About the Kansas Poison Center

Since 1982, the Kansas Poison Center (KSPC) has operated the 24-hour Poison Helpline to provide expertise in the medical diagnosis and management of human poison exposures. As leaders in poison prevention activities, the KSPC is one of 55 centers nationwide. The center is the only one in Kansas and is certified and accredited as a regional poison center by the America’s Poison Centers organization.
KSPC provides free, timely treatment advice and information to anyone, including parents, grandparents, childcare providers, pharmacists, nurses and doctors. Our goal is to play a significant role in reducing the cost of treatment and/or the severity of poisonings where time is of the essence. KSPC also provides outreach and educational programs for the general public, as well as healthcare professionals, to increase awareness of poison prevention strategies, first-aid treatments and medical triage assessments for poison emergencies.
The KSPC services roughly 2.9 million residents of the 105 counties across the state. The center is staffed with a dedicated group of highly trained professionals, including physicians, toxicologists, registered nurses, registered pharmacists and a public health educator.Z